Tennessee Taking in More People from High-Tax States



People are fleeing high tax states and relocating to states such as Tennessee, according to Stephen Moore of the American Legislative Exchange Council.

These people are leaving high-tax states such as New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Illinois, according to Bizpacreview.com

They’re headed not just to the Volunteer State but also to Florida, Texas, Utah, and North Carolina, Moore reportedly said.

“This is the big demographic story of our country,” Moore said this week during an appearance on FOX News.

“It may be the biggest political economic story that’s happening in America — the transformation where people are moving out of the high-tax states at a rate of about 1,000 people every day to low-tax states.”

Moore went on to call New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Illinois the “four states of the apocalypse” because they have high taxes and “huge budget problems.”

“Where are those people leaving to?” Moore reportedly asked.

“Where are they going? Certainly Florida. Then Tennessee, Texas, Utah, North Carolina. By the way, There’s something similar about Texas, Tennessee, Florida. No income tax, and boy does that make a difference.”

As The Tennessee Star reported last year, people move out of states with high tax burdens, more regulations and fewer jobs to states with fewer taxes and regulations and more jobs. The former tend to be in Democratic-controlled states, while the latter tend to be in Republican-controlled states.

That report last year came from Mark J. Perry at AEIdeas, a public policy blog from American Enterprise Institute, a think tank. Perry is a professor of economics and finance at the University of Michigan’s Flint campus. He is known as the creator and editor of the economics blog Carpe Diem.

Perry refers to a Carpe Diem post he made last month in which he studied household moving data from North American Moving Services’ US Migration Report for 2017. Measures included economic performance, business climate (right to work, for example), business climate and individual taxes.

The top five outbound states (where people leave) are: Illinois, Connecticut, New Jersey, California and Michigan. Illinois, Connecticut and New Jersey tied for the worst at 38 percent inbound but 62 percent outbound.

The top five inbound states (which gain population) are: Arizona, Idaho, South Carolina, North Carolina and Tennessee. For example, in 2017, Tennessee had an inbound rate of 58 percent compared to an outbound rate of 42 percent. (Arizona had the best rate of 67 percent inbound and 33 percent outbound.)

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Chris Butler is an investigative journalist at The Tennessee Star. Follow Chris on Facebook. Email tips to [email protected]






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6 Thoughts to “Tennessee Taking in More People from High-Tax States”

  1. Cannoneer2

    They are bringing their high tax ideas with them, too!
    That’s not how we did it in Noo Yawk….

  2. Just as long as they don’t bring their Liberal political philosophy with them. In my E. TN county we see a lot of people moving here from California, especially San Diego. Most of these folks have had it up to their necks with the Liberal mess that California has made of their state and feel that they are politically powerless to effect a change there so they flee to E. TN.

    Sometimes, when a large number of people migrate from another country and concentrate their resettlement into a specific area of their new country, they tend to bring with them the seeds of the very same kind of oppression from which they fled.

    1. 83ragtop50

      Rudder, I am afraid that many of them are not leaving behind their taste for spending for the niceties that caused their taxes to go through the roof. And the local do-gooders in my county just keep spending money they do not have and turn around and raise our property taxes to cover their spending addiction. They want to leave a grand legacy but the only legacy they are leaving is a bankrupt county. Living within one’s means is so “yesterday”.

  3. Brad Fulghum

    I sure hope these people leaving will not vote for the dims in their new locations. That is what they are fleeing.

  4. William R. Delzell

    Most in-comers are rich or upper middle class. Tennessee’s taxes discriminate against poor and working class people with regressive sales taxes that include grocery store food, etc. So, only a few people benefit from the state’s regressive tax system. We need to get this straight and to make sure the Chamber of Commerce does not mislead people. Fewer taxes means fewer essential services: you get what you pay for!

    1. akaMOTU

      The TN sales tax on food is 4% – doesn’t seem that regressive to me. As has been already said, the biggest fear is that the new immigrants from high tax states will bring their tax and spend attitudes with them.
